بحث انجليزي عن الرياضة واهميتها في حياتنا

بحث انجليزي عن الرياضة : تعتبر الرياضة هي تمرين تقوم فيه بتدريب أو تحسين مهاراتك أو مهاراتك الجسدية ، وتهدف إلى المشاركة في المنافسة أو الترفيه الذاتي أو المتعة وغيرها من الطرق. عادة ما تتضمن الرياضة نشاطًا جسديًا شاقًا ، لكن هناك رياضات مثل الشطرنج التي لا تمارس الرياضة كثيرًا. هناك المئات من الرياضات ، بعضها يتطلب مشاركة الأزواج فقط الذين يتنافسون مع بعضهم البعض وحتى أولئك الذين ينتمون إلى مجموعات أو حتى مئات المشاركين في نفس الوقت.

حتى يومنا هذا ، هناك جدل بين خبراء الرياضة والباحثين والمشاركين فيه بطريقة أو بأخرى ، فيما يتعلق بإدراج بعض الأنشطة في المصطلح الرياضي. في هذا السياق ، يطرح السؤال حول إدراج الرياضات الشعبية والأسطورية والعرقية وغيرها

The benefits of physical activity

The World Health Organization (WHO) describes physical activity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. The WHO explains that the lack of physical activity is the fourth risk factor for mortality worldwide. In addition, physical inactivity is the main cause of a high percentage of breast and colon cancers, diabetes and heart disease.

In contemporary society, jobs that require physical activity are increasingly scarce, which is why sport is becoming increasingly important. An adequate level of activity:

  • Reduces the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast and colon cancer and depression.
  • Improves bone health and functional capacity of the body
  • It is decisive for energy expenditure and, therefore, helps to have caloric balance and a healthy weight.

Just 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day is enough to ensure these benefits, so it is something that anyone can practice.

The importance of sport

Sport is an excellent form of physical activity with which you will have a good time and you will be able to achieve goals such as muscle development, weight loss or fat reduction. The sport also benefits the hormonal regulation and the reinforcement of the immunological system besides contributing to an adequate rest and to reduce the fatigue.

The benefits of sport are not only physical, but also affect mental health, reducing the onset of depression and stress, improving self-esteem and even social relationships, when practicing team sports. In short, the sport makes you feel good!

Sports and sight

The practice of sports requires good visual health ; the perception of distances and speed or spatial perception are essential skills to have a good response when playing sports. Balance, so important for sports, also depends largely on the view. Sports – especially team sports such as football or basketball – also require developing certain visual skills, such as peripheral vision , which allows controlling what happens on the field.

Finally, it is important to adequately protect our eyesight when we practice sports. Remember to protect your eyes from the sun and impacts or chemical products – the latter are in the pools and therefore affect those who practice water sports.

It is important, therefore, to see well to practice sports. If you have a refractive problem and want to practice sport without ties, laser surgery offers you the possibility to correct refractive problems, such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.

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